Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Online Room Rentals in Metro Manila

Relevance of online services are increasingly appreciated by Philippine netizens. A few years ago, the number of local online services are limited. Aside form the technology barrier, it was also partially due to the scarce demand.

Then came online auction sites, gaming, retail stores and social networking. These activities was somehow able to make people, especially the youth, stick and devout more time in the internet.

One example of local internet service on the rise is online room rentals. Looking for apartments for rent, especially in Manila, can be very challenging. And with the country's population concentrated in the metropolis, it can be frustrating.

And this is what probably inspired site developers of to find this niche with strong potentail.

The website is actually easy to use and is designed optimally with a powerful search tool on the left side. Moreover, it was able to show a list of prime spots in the metro by "city" and in relation to major transportation hubs - a truly helpful organization for the traveller who needs to be always on the move.

And I think I'll find useful for myself next month when I'm moving back to Makati. :)

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